Fraser Suites Sukhumvit Hotel
38/8 Sukhumvit soi 11, Klong Toey Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110. |
Fraser Suites Sukhumvit Hotel - Overview |
A sense of privacy, a touch of comfort and a number of conveniences have made Fraser Suites Sukhumvit hotel a heaven of sumptuousness. Furthermore, its various luxurious apartments have created a relaxing atmosphere, which will let you savor your sojourn with snugness. No matter whether you are on a business trip or a relishing a leisure vacation, the hotel will always serve you in a better way. |
Fraser Suites Sukhumvit Hotel - Location |
Fraser Suites Sukhumvit hotel is nestled in Sukhumvit area, Bangkok. With its prime location, the hotel enables guests to reach the buzzing area of Sukhumvit and at the same time enjoy a secluded and serene sojourn. Various well-known bars and restaurants are located in the vicinity of the hotel. Since, BTS Nana station and Sukhumvit subway station are easily accessible from here; hence, boarders can reach the heart of Bangkok within 10 minutes. Furthermore, Suvarnabhumi international airport is just 30 minutes drive from Fraser Suites Sukhumvit hotel.
Fraser Suites Sukhumvit Hotel - Accommodation |
163 apartments at Fraser Suites Sukhumvit hotel welcome guests to sojourn with luxury. With a horde of accommodation options, the hotel meets the requirements of all travelers. All apartments at the hotel are categorized as,
- Studio
- One Bedroom Deluxe
- One Bedroom Superior
- One Bedroom Premier
- Two Bedroom Superior
- Two Bedroom Penthouse
- Three Bedroom Penthouse
- Three Bedroom Deluxe
- Three Bedroom Superior
- Three Bedroom Premier
Impeccably designed each of these apartments boasts a host of room amenities. Some amongst them are like a fully equipped kitchen with freezer and washing machine, working desk, wireless broadband access, direct telephone line, separate dining area, digital personal safe, security key card access system, MP3 connection and many more.
Room Amenities:
- Fully equipped kitchen
- Freezer
- Washing Machine
- Working Desk
- Wireless Broadband Access
- Direct Telephone Line
- Separate Dinning Area
- Digital Personal Safe
- Security Key card Access System
- MP3 Connection
Fraser Suites Sukhumvit Hotel - Facilities |