Metropolitan Hotel
27 South Sathorn Road, Tungmahamek, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120. |
Metropolitan Hotel - Overview |
Lots of visitors, from different parts of the globe, come to Thailand, for business purposes, as well as for spending their holidays. To solve the problem of accommodation, Hotels in Thailand has been established, which include five star hotels as well as cheap and budget hotels. Among the various cities in Thailand, Bangkok is undoubtedly the most popular holiday destination, where visitors come to spend their holidays. There are Hotels in Bangkok in Thailand, among which a good staying option is the Metropolitan Hotel in Bangkok. The place is suitable for both the businessmen and the pleasure travelers, since there are plenty of facilities to keep everyone happy. |
Metropolitan Hotel - Location |
The international airport of Bangkok city is only 22 kilometers far from the hotel. The train station is just three kilometers from the Location of Metropolitan Hotel in Bangkok. The major business and commercial areas of the city are located close by, and all the places can be accessed very easily. The place is preferred by the business travelers because here they get plenty of facilities, which enable them to organize any type of business related events in the hotel. There are 171 rooms in the hotel all of which are provided with very good Room Facilities at Metropolitan Hotel in Bangkok. The various facilities available in the rooms make the stay very comfortable and relaxing for all.
Metropolitan Hotel - Accommodation |
The Metropolitan hotel in Bangkok has got 171 guest rooms, which include four penthouse suites and also a presidential fiefdom consisting of two-bedroom. The rooms have got a fresh look and the decoration has got a blend of the east and west as well. The rooms are furnished with wooden furniture and they all have a touch of elegance. The different Room Facilities at Metropolitan Hotel in Bangkok include air conditioner, television with cable or satellite channels, international direct dialing telephone, fully stocked mini bar, radio, voice mail, in-room movies, in-room safe, iron along with ironing board. The rooms have got cable or data port connection, which makes the place ideal for the business travelers. The private ensuite in all the rooms are provided with the necessary amenities.
The presence of all the different Room Facilities at Metropolitan Hotel in Bangkok makes the guests comfortable and they enjoy a relaxing stay in the hotel. In addition to the room facilities, there are plenty of Hotel Amenities and Services at Metropolitan Hotel in Bangkok. The amenities and services available in the hotel include plenty of facilities like babysitting service, parking facilities, reception desk, laundry cleaning service, conference facilities, sauna, swimming pool, room service and many more other facilities. |
Metropolitan Hotel - Facilities |
There are total 171 guest rooms and all of them are provided with excellent Room Facilities at Metropolitan Hotel in Bangkok. The rooms are luxuriously furnished and wonderfully decorated. The facilities available in the rooms suffice the needs of the businessmen and the pleasure travelers as well. The Hotel Amenities and Services at Metropolitan Hotel in Bangkok provide plenty of fitness and recreational facilities as well. The outdoor swimming pool of the hotel is just the perfect place to relax and unwind. The visitors can even keep themselves in shape by working out at the gymnasium of the hotel, which is equipped with modern fitness devices.
The on site restaurant at Metropolitan Hotel in Bangkok serves very good food and drinks. The lounge bar is just the perfect place to relax and gossip with friends and family. The other Hotel Amenities and Services at Metropolitan Hotel in Bangkok include parking facilities, car rental facilities, baby sitting service, laundry and dry cleaning facilities, currency exchange facilities, reception desk, cocktail bar. The hotel provides very good room service throughout the day. The staff of the hotel is very hospitable and they are always available to assist the guests in every possible way. The days spent in this hotel will leave a lasting impression in the minds of all the visitors, which they will cherish for a very long time. |