The hotel amenities and services at the Room at Silom Hotel in Bangkok comprises of some excellent services like shopping facilities, tour desk, business center, car rental desk, air desk, help desk, concierge services and many other services. The entire hotel area is air conditioned centrally. You can also hire or rent mobile phones.
Besides, the hotel amenities and services at the Room at Silom Hotel in Bangkok also include baby sitting service, laundry service, 24 hours secretarial service round the clock, intercom facility within your rooms, broadband data connection, high speed internet access, provision for satellite channels and cable connections.
The other services at the Room at Silom Hotel in Bangkok include steam and sauna facility with Thai and European massage, spa, banquet facility conference facility, fitness center with a very well furnished gym, swimming pool, tennis court, safe deposit box, bar and lounge facilities. Moreover, you are also provided with limousine services.
The hotel amenities and services at the Room at Silom Hotel in Bangkok also include some other facilities. For instance, most of the rooms are provided with a full view of the city. You can watch the bustling city life, which can in turn, add a color to your tour of Bangkok.
The business services include provisions for copying, fax service, PC with a printer and courier service. The rooms are beautifully decorated and the furniture is also ornately designed. Besides, you are also provided with a writing desk, wardrobe, bathtub, bathrobe, a private bathroom and special provisions for the disabled. You can also opt for inter connecting rooms. The intercom services help you to connect directly to the reception. |