Royal Hotel
2 Ratchadamnern Road, Bangkok 10200. |
Royal Hotel - Overview |
One hotel that can be put in the league of the best hotels in Bangkok is Royal Hotel. Royal Hotel in Bangkok is an outstanding hotel and promises to provide the guests with a memorable experience. |
Royal Hotel - Location |
Royal Hotel in Bangkok attracts tourists from all over the world. Location of Royal Hotel in Bangkok is the main reason for its stupendous popularity. The hotel is conveniently nestled right in the center of the quaint town of Bangkok. Location of Royal Hotel in Bangkok is so convenient and attractive that it gives tourists ample opportunities to explore the places near by.
Royal Hotel - Accommodation |
Room Facilities at Royal Hotel in Bangkok include the best of all facilities offered by the hotel. They are as follows:
- The rooms are all air conditioned. Tourists can beat the summer heat by staying inside the cool confines of the rooms.
- There are color televisions in each and every room. Televisions are provided with 24hours news channels and other important channels like BBC and CNN. Guests coming to stay here can stay back in their rooms and watch the wide variety of television programs.
- The Royal Hotel in Bangkok provides as many as 300 rooms. The rooms are all beautifully decorated and well furnished. The rooms boast of wall-to-wall carpeting.
- There are private bathrooms fitted with the best of all toilet accessories like soaps, shaving foam, shampoo, oils and lotions. The bathrooms have running hot and cold water all 24 hours.
- There is provision for video and DVDs in the rooms where one can watch movies on demand. The televisions offer Star TV programs.
- There are telephones with direct dial up system from where one can make international phone calls and other official calls.
- There is a fully stacked refrigerator and guests can at any time enjoy the food kept for them.
- The rooms also have music systems and guests can sit in their rooms and listen to their favorite music playing on the radio channels.
Royal Hotel - Facilities |
List of Hotel Amenities and Services at Royal Hotel in Bangkok includes the following:
- The hotel offers a restaurant and bar for the guests opting to dine at the hotel. The menu offered by the restaurant includes mouth-watering delicacies of Thai, Chinese, European cuisine. The food is prepared keeping in mind the different preferences of the guests who dine here. The restaurant serves food that is reasonably priced. There is also a coffee shop, which remains open on all days of the week for 24 hours. This proves to be the ultimate stop for all tourists who have had a tiring day after touring the city.
- All those coming to Bangkok for official purposes would find the hotel suited to their needs as the hotel offers Conference and Meeting rooms. These rooms are especially equipped with computers, Microphones, white boards, slides and projectors. The rooms can accommodate almost 1,000 people. All-important industrialists prefer the Conference rooms at Royal Hotel as the venue for holding important meeting and conferences.
Other Hotel Amenities and Services at Royal Hotel in Bangkok include the following-
- Lobby Bar
- Gift and Souvenir Shop
- Beauty Salon
- Tailor Shop
- Fax and Internet Access
- Tour Counter and Front desk
Swimming Pool and Fitness center- Tourists can take a dip in the icy cool water of the pool in order to beat the summer heat and also participate in the regular fitness regime of the fitness center.