Royal Asia Lodge Hotel
91, Soi 8 off Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey Bangkok. |
Royal Asia Lodge Hotel - Overview |
Some visitors prefer passing through Bangkok to spending the night, while others may find the town of interest for its cultural amusements. Whether you come to Bangkok to check out its beyond overpublicised naughty nightlife image or just to visit the historical sites and relax in the sun, The Royal Asia Lodge Hotel has it all. Located in the center of all the actions; few steps away from NANA BTS Skytrain Station; a quick walk to numerous nightlife entertainments--restaurants, pubs & bars, dance clubs, go-go bars, gay/lesbian venues and much more. Attractive bangkok hotel rates and easy Hotel online Reservations, the rooms desvcribe the detailed amenitites and friendly hospitalities. Sleep in quiet surroundings only 2 minutes from Sukhumvit Road with our free 24 Hour shuttle (Tuk Tuk) service to and from Sukhumvit Road (Main Road). |
Royal Asia Lodge Hotel - Location |
Located in the center of all the actions; few steps away from NANA BTS Skytrain Station; a quick walk to numerous nightlife entertainments--restaurants, pubs & bars, dance clubs, go-go bars, gay/lesbian venues and much more. Attractive bangkok hotel rates and easy Hotel online Reservations, the rooms describe the detailed amenities and friendly hospitalities. Sleep in quiet surroundings only 2 minutes from Sukhumvit Road with our free 24 Hour shuttle (Tuk Tuk) service to and from Sukhumvit Road (Main Road).
Royal Asia Lodge Hotel - Accommodation |
The Royal Asia Lodge is the best "VALUE" hotel in all of Bangkok. Aside from being uniquely decorated, the luxurious rooms offer cutaway ceilings and indirect lighting. Natural wood crown moldings with matching built in desk, cabinets and furniture provide a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere. Upholstered headboards with remote lighting switches offer luxury and convenience.
All guest rooms at the Royal Asia feature :
- Personal TV with HBO, Cinemax, CNN, MTV and other International channels via satellite.
- A choice of Junior, Queen or Family Presidential Suites.
- A large refrigerator stocked with reasonable minibar items.
- Air conditioning with automatic temperature control.
- Tile bathrooms with tubs or showers and marble vanities
- Direct telephone service with local dialing and laptop hookup.
- Free wireless internet available in Queen Suite and Presidential Suite
Royal Asia Lodge Hotel - Facilities |
We also don't have the marketing expense or corporate overhead of the name-brand hotels. As an independent, family-owned operation we're big enough to serve you, small enough to get to know you. A high percentage of our guests are repeat customers - people who like our combination of luxury and value. We're sure that after you give us a try you'll become one of them.
In Addition, the hotel features :
- Rooftop swimming pool and Jacuzzi with patio and breathtaking skyline view.
- A Business Computer Center with E-mail, Internet connection and Fax communication.
- A new "Top of the Royal" restaurant and a romantic lobby bar with private sitting areas
- The Royal Asia's own private 24 hour "Tuk Tuk" offering free shuttle service to and from Sukhumvit Road (Main Road).
- Delightful Thai massage in room or reflexology foot massage.