Royal Paradise Hotel
32/94 Soi Romklao 4, Romklao-Suvarnabhumi Rd., Minburi, Bangkok 10510. |
Royal Paradise Hotel - Overview |
With warm and friendly hospitality, Royal Paradise hotel in Bangkok welcomes its guests cordially. It is a modern five story property comprising 210 guestrooms. At the same time, the hotel has also arranged a host of facilities, which will make your stay comfortable. |
Royal Paradise Hotel - Location |
The prime location of the Hotel Royal Paradise is favorable for all its guests. The hotel is around 10 minutes from Suvarnabhumi International Airport and 20 minutes from the city center of Bangkok. Suvarnabhumi airport is located in Bangphli, a district of Samut Prakan province. The central business district of Bangkok is easily accessible from the airport. Besides, from here, guests can easily explore the places including Ancient City, Samut Prakan Crocodile Farm and zoo.
Royal Paradise Hotel - Accommodation |
Royal Paradise Hotel welcomes guests to enjoy their sojourn to the fullest. Needless to say, the well-appointed guestrooms at the hotel have created a comfort zone, which will definitely enhance your pleasure while sojourning. Altogether, 210 guestrooms are available at the hotel and for guests safety, all these guestrooms are totally non-smoking. There is no dearth of modern facilities and services at these rooms. Guests will avail here all facilities required for a comfortable stay. These include air-conditioning, television, telephone, mini bar/fridge, shower and so on. Board at a room here and spend your days with a home-away-from-home feeling.
Room Amenities:
- Air-Conditioning
- Telephone
- Television
- Mini Bar/Refrigerator
- Shower
Royal Paradise Hotel - Facilities |
A host of facilities and services are provided by Royal Paradise Hotel in Bangkok. Especially, the services including 24-hour open reception desk, security camera etc. help all boarders immensely. In addition, guests will avail here the services including laundry service, parking, room service, limousine service, massage facility etc. Internet access facility is also there at the hotel. Moreover, restaurant and beauty salon/barber shop are also available at the Hotel Royal Paradise in Bangkok. Needless to say, all these facilities and services will make your sojourn enjoyable here, at Royal Paradise Hotel.
Hotel Facilities:
- 24-hour Open Reception Desk
- Security Camera
- Laundry
- Parking
- Room Service
- Limousine Service
- Massage
- Internet Access
- Restaurant
- Beauty Salon/Barber Shop