Thong Ta Resort Hotel - Overview |
The Thong Ta Resort Hotel Bangkok is located conveniently near to the Suvarnabhumi Airport and well connected to the Bangkok city. The hotel offers the modern amenities and warm services to make the stay comfortable. |
Thong Ta Resort Hotel - Location |
The Thong Ta Resort Hotel Bangkok is located near to the restaurants and has the access to the popular areas. The hotel is located near to the best of Suvarnabhumi area and is located near to the Bangkok city. The location of the hotel near to the airport makes it suitable for both the business and the leisure travelers and has got easy access to the Bangkok city that is 30 km away.
Thong Ta Resort Hotel - Accommodation |
The room types at the hotel include
- Standard Triple Room
- Standard Double Room
- Standard single Room
The room facilities at Thong Ta Resort Hotel Bangkok include
- Air conditioner
- Telephone
- Satellite TV
- Shower
- Mini bar
Thong Ta Resort Hotel - Facilities |
The hotel is suitable for both the business and the leisure travelers and offers a homely stay. The hotel amenities and services at Thong Ta Resort Hotel Bangkok
- 24 hour check in
- Disabled friendly
- Car park
- Internet access
- Restaurant