Taiwan is rich in Chinese history and culture, the latter being the cement that has kept the Chinese civilization together to this day. Taiwan's first inhabitants were the autochthonous ProtoAustronesians. The first settlement in Taiwan existed during the 12th Century. Immigration of a larger scale only started in the 17th Century when the Dutch and Spanish set up small colonial outposts in Taiwan. However, these Westerners never stayed long on this island. Soon after, the infamous Chinese dynasties claimed fame and fortune, and created history for themselves in rebuilding Taiwan. As Taiwan progressed, many other foreign powers became infatuated with its natural wealth and sought to contest with the ruling dynasty for a share of the resources. In 1885, the Ching Dynasty made Taiwan a province of China. Unfortunately, they had to relinquish the island to Japan after losing the Sino-Japanese war in 1895. Japanese came and left behind a mixed legacy of language and customs. They did, however, contribute greatly to modernizing Taiwan. Prospective years ahead were grim. Civil war commenced in Taiwan, the government had to be relocated due to communism, the island's infrastructure was shattered, and the economy depleted. Taiwan's fate was left to the discretion of the United States, which provided aid and protection against threats from communist China. Taiwan's own President Chiang Ching-Kuo together with his successor Lee Teng-hui - with his utilitarian leadership - brought Taiwan back on its feet again to rise as one of Asia's economic tigers.
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