Summit Parkview Hotel
Address :
350 Ahlone Road, Dagon Township ,Yangon, Myanmar
350 Ahlone Road, Dagon Township ,Yangon, Myanmar

Summit Parkview Hotel Overview
The first international hotel in Yangon, Summit Parkview Hotel is the preferred choice among business and international travelers from all over the world. A total of 140 tastefully furnished guest rooms and hotel apartments equipped with modern amenities to provide you with quality comfort of home. For your dining pleasure, aour Parkview cafe and La Terraza provides an extensive international a la carte menu and sumptuous buffets.

Important Notes of Summit Parkview Hotel:
- Check - In Time : 14.00 p.m
- Check - Out Time : 12.00 p.m
- The images shown are for guidance purposes only. You may stay in a room which is different from the examples shown.