The tour begins at Kampong Glam – named after the
Gelam Tree which grew in abundance in the 1800s.
Once the seat of the old Malay Royalty, it still
retains the charm of a bygone era and the infl uence
of the Arab traders.
Make a stop at Tampines New Town, which
received the United Nations World Habitat Award
for being an outstanding human settlement project
in 1992! See how much the town has changed in
over 20 years since it won
the award – the green
spaces, the linked walkways to neighbourhood
centres, transport network, parks and open spaces
as well as varied block designs.
Continue to Changi Beach where our guide will recount stories of the
horrifi c Sook Ching Massacre during World War II. There, you will see the
plague that was erected to commemorate the lives that were lost.
Stop at the rustic and laid-back Changi Village
which gives you a chance to see the relaxing side
of Singapore yet this little village has hotels, ferry
terminal, beaches, recreation clubs and food galore!