Parkcity Everly Hotel Miri, Sarawak
Jalan Temenggong Datuk Oyong Lawai, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Parkcity Everly Hotel Miri, Sarawak Overview
ParkCity Everly Hotel is the preferred choice for both business and leisure travelers to Miri.
Although it caters primarily to a business clientele, holiday makers will enjoy the hotels extensive leisure facilities, which count among the best in Miri.
The hotels function rooms and venues are capable of accommodating up to 1000 people, and its restaurants are renowned for their excellent cuisine.
Winner of numerous international awards, this beachfront hotel offers just about all the facilities that discerning guests can demand.

Important Notes of Parkcity Everly Hotel Miri, Sarawak:
- Check - In Time : 14.00 p.m
- Check - Out Time : 12.00 p.m
- The images shown are for guidance purposes only. You may stay in a room which is different from the examples shown.